Extended learning opportunites at home
There is an expectation that all children complete homework in a variety of formats.
Reception class (Star class)
There is no set homework timetable for this age group, but occasionally the children will bring home an activity to complete which is related to the current topic. However it would help your child immensely if you could help them with reading – we recommend 5-10 minutes every day because little and often is best.
In school, the children are heard reading daily by an adult. Please assist us, and more importantly, your child, by practicing at home each evening (where possible) and sharing the phonic sounds that will be sent home to support your child with their reading skills.
Each child has a home/school record book which goes home with their reading book. This contains information about words to learn or the book they are currently reading and keeps you updated with their reading progress. This means that you can write your own comments about progress, likes and dislikes in these books. We value your contributions.
Key Stage 1 (Moon Class: years 1 and 2)
The children are expected to complete one piece of homework per week which should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete.
There is daily reading with an adult at home, which should be recorded in the child’s reading record book. Parents are encouraged to use this book as a method for communicating between home and school. For this age group, we are also beginning to instil the notion of ‘responsibility’ for extending their learning in their own time.
Children are also tested on spelling once a week, which they should practise at home.
In addition, there is usually a half-termly “Take home Task” which is to be completed by the child with input from parents.
Key Stage 2 (Sun Class: years 3 and 4)
As above, but this homework becomes slightly more formal in KS2. There is an expectation that your child will continue to read to an adult each evening, even though they may have become competent readers. In addition, they will be given a few pieces of homework per week. This homework should take no longer than 20 mins to complete.
The “Take home” tasks, as above, continue in KS2.
General Guidelines
Whilst we encourage parents to help their child with his/her homework, we are trying to encourage the children to become independent learners and to be responsible for their own equipment, certainly in Year 3 & 4.
The older children are encouraged to think for themselves first, and then seek help as necessary. Certainly, we expect them to remember to bring their own equipment e.g. instruments for music lessons, on the correct day; remember to do their homework and hand it in on time.