Our Staff

Eversholt has a dedicated team of full and part-time staff, as well as volunteers.

As a small school, staffing may vary according to year group numbers.
We provide time for children requiring specific intervention for particular learning needs.


Headteacher - Mrs Miller
Senior Leader - Miss Jasper

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Miller
Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Miss Jasper
Safeguarding Governor - Mr Peacock

SENDCO - Mrs Lewis
SEND Governor - Mrs Doherty

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Teaching Staff

Class Teacher/s Teaching Assistant/s
Star Class (Nursery & EYFS) Mrs Cavinder Mrs Rayner
Moon Class (Y1 & Y2) Mrs Lewis Mrs Timms
Sun Class (Y3 & Y4) Mr Bates (M-T), Mrs Miller (F) Mrs Smith and Mrs Seamarks
1:1 Support Teaching Assistants Mrs Hooper, Mrs Fewings, Mrs Lamont
Forest School Leader Mr Bates
Sports Leader Mr Clark

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Support Staff

Role Responsible Role Responsible
Office and Finance Manager Miss Osborne Office Admin Assistant Mrs Preen
Lunchtime Supervisor Mrs Edmonds Lunchtime Assistants Mrs Timms and Mr Marsh
Breakfast and After School Club Leader Mrs Smith
Site Manager Mr Bredenkamp