Parent Feedback
We conduct regular surveys with our parent/carer community and publish the results here

Survey date: 02/03/21
Verbatim feedback from a survey about Eversholt's online learning provision during lockdown (Jan-Mar' 21)
- I feel the online learning has been very good this lockdown, but the lockdown is definitely affecting some educational and social skills. Hopefully we can get them all back together in March.
- The remote learning and guidance through the day with video meets keeps the focus on learning and not just being at home. Without the meets it would be completely different and difficult to manage the learning.
- Just thank you for all of your hard work.
- Just a big thank you to all the Eversholt Team.
- I think you are all doing an amazing job so thank you for everything.
- I think you are all doing an amazing job - Please pass on my thanks and praise
- It’s all going very well, but I am here to support the learning full time. Ms Workman’s approach to providing the work and timetable is particularly straightforward and accessible. Overall very happy with the school’s provision.
- I think the school is doing an amazing job. The live sessions make such a difference and gives me reassurance that they are still learning properly, (as in with a real teacher explaining, not me!)
- I like the head teachers awards being introduced again, it gives them encouragement to do their best as they would in school.
- It’s great having an insight into their learning as we can incorporate it into our daily conversations and activities. Once back in school it would be useful to have an overview of the week/subject learning so we can support it at home. Including assembly values/songs.
- Thank you for all your efforts x
- I just want to say thank you. Whilst it still is, and has been, the most challenging 3 months I have ever experienced it has been made as bearable as possible with the help and support that we have had from the school - every single person. Eversholt Lower really is an amazing team.
- On a personal note I would also like to formally thank Mrs. Miller for supporting me with ensuring XXXXX was back in school as soon as I requested it, which I believe was 100% the right thing for him and his well being in terms of supporting his need for routine and structure to maximise his opportunity to learn in a way that works for him - thank you.
- Mrs Lewis is doing a fantastic job! I have neighbours / friends who only get a 5 minute Zoom call once a week! Mrs Lewis is SO patient and supportive with the children; they all clearly adore her, and I have nothing but glowing comments for her.
- Thank you Eversholt, you are doing your children proud!
- As a family we have found the remote learning has been good and gives a structure to the day which when we can return to school it's not going to be too hard. We do thank you for all the effort that has been put into the remote learning.
- The school is doing a great job. I know this online learning is very hard for everyone. I would like to thank to Mrs.Miller and Miss Workman all the fantastic help and work what they did till now.
- Thank you for everything you are doing!
- Thank you for organising such wonderful remote learning.
- I really appreciate and value all the work Miss Workman and Mrs Miller do, thank you.
- Thank you for so much direct input I couldn’t do this alone x
- Thank you for all your hard work and effort.
- Thank you for all your hard work. Always well organised and engaging activities provided. Like having a theme to the week.
- Thank you for providing such an excellent provision. The structure of the day from the live lesson schedule has been great.
- Thank you for all you are doing, the level of remote learning with more live classes is a big improvement on the first lockdown.
- Thank you all for supporting us as parents in these difficult times and for all your amazing work.
- We have enjoyed our Wednesday Afternoon of Well being.
- Thank you to all the staff for your amazing efforts
- The remote learning that the teachers at Eversholt are offering is fantastic. I am extremely grateful for the support XXXXX is having and that she is still able to attend school.
- I would like to thank Mrs Lewis and Mrs Cusk for their support. Their enthusiasm and patience is incredible and it really is appreciated. I can imagine there is a large amount of behind the scenes work and we're very grateful that you provide so many live lessons which enables the children to stay in touch with teachers and the other children. I've spoken to friends with children in other schools and they are often amazed when I tell them about the amount of live lesson support XXX receives, so thank you again!
- Eversholt lower has been doing an amazing job! Such a huge effort is made to help parents and children through these testing times!!
- We are forever grateful for such dedication!
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How to give feedback
Outside of our proactive surveys we welcome and encourage feedback through two official channels: Ofsted Parent View and via our Headteacher and/or Governing Board.